Interpersonal Skills Essay

Interpersonal Skills Essay

Manuel Ramirez-8642

Professora Patrícia Araújo

Instituto Português de administração de marketing


Cover…page 1

Index…page 2

Essay…page 3

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Essay…page 5

Fluent Communication and Speech

Communication and Speech are imperative nowadays. The average person speaks about seven thousand words per day so I would think it’s needless to say why. In our races’ evolution, millions of years ago, we were once walking on four legs, or had undeveloped brains, but the one thing we always had was the need to socialize, and the ability to do so. But the need to socialize is only one of the few aspects involving communication. In this essay we will analyse the limitless ways communication and speech have influenced, and still currently influences the human race.
Communication can be a huge part of someone’s success, in endless ways. It could, for example, get you a job opportunity, or gather a following, or even help you re-establish a relationship, the options are limitless. However the way you communicate is what makes or breaks your success. Take for example a job opportunity. You’re in the interview and you look nervous, unsettled, and stuttering your words, you’re chances of getting that position are probably slim. This situation contrasting with a confident, smiling and inviting person is very different, and this individual will have more chances of getting the job. These factors are important, and of course everyone is different, so naturally not everyone will be as comfortable communicating. This is absolutely fine, success doesn’t stem solely from communication, I’m simply highlighting how it contributes to our success.
Delving more deeply into the theme of body language, what are the factors to analyse? Lets put this in a situation: Who would you feel more comfortable approaching, a hunched over, poorly postured person, who avoids eye contact, or a smiling, open, well postured person? I think its pretty obvious, and these small details anyone can do. It will help in making friends, and socializing which is helpful, especially in our situations of being in a new environment, with new people.

As well as the body can speak, it’s the mouth that emits sound, and it’s through there that we must emit ideas and speak loudly and clear. Take for example Jordan Peterson. A figure of controversy, he is, most of the time, put into difficult situations, but through superb communication and speech he always gets his point across clearly, defending his ideas, completely nullifying passive aggressive interviewers. Watching Jordan speak really puts new emphasis in the words ‘think before you speak’, because words are powerful. They are so powerful that they have the ability to hurt or cure the deepest wound. If you think about it that’s the reason psychological therapy exists, to cure people.
Brief video on Professor Jordan Peterson on communication, more specifically, how to utilize speech in your favour-  (please click on link)

            When it comes to negative communication or lack of communication, unfortunately, there are also various examples. Whilst negativity can be a point of view, I will talk form my own standpoint. Take for example dictatorship. Most of us have probably seen Hitler’s famous speeches in Nazi Germany, in nineteen forty-five. He gathered a great following and captivated a whole country to commit terrible sins against humanity. Speech can be dangerous, especially if someone with bad intentions has a talent for it. As for lack of communication, it usual and can cause conflicts. Conflicts between friends, between boyfriend and girlfriend, or between family members. This conflict will cause unnecessary pain and will have you questioning what you could’ve said differently after a conflict/argument. These types of situation emphasize the need for the fluency in communication. A good part of these situations could be avoided.
            On a more personal note, communication is as important as it’s ever been this year. The first few weeks of university can be tough, especially in a class with a good number of internationals students, where they may find more difficulty in adapting to a new system. Taking this into account there is no better way to make someone feel welcomed than a bit of friendly socialization, communication, and banter, something I’ve been striving to do with my new colleagues. After all, these are the people we’ll spend most of our time with over the next three years.
            In summary I’ve found my research on this very present topic to be highly educational. As I’ve said, and I’ll say again, communication is key, and I recommend a brief research on this subject to anyone, hoping they take as much inspiration from it as I have. Once again the subject of interpersonal skills has put this theme in a totally different perspective and dimension I was previously unaware of. It is truly incredible how the whole world is connected majorly through things we learn in this class, and not just in the human race, because remember, animals also communicate, all kinds of species. To conclude, I hope this essay was educational and informative and that the ideas shown are clear and well thought out.
