Restless Legs? Why? - By Gonzalo Garcia Crespo

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Restless legs? Why?

By Gonzalo Garcia Crespo

A few minutes ago I was doing my skills portfolio work in the library when I suddenly realised that the man who was just reading a book didn´t barely stop of moving his right leg with continious and same movements, so,I realised, hey, why not talk about it in the blog?

There are different reasons that lead people to an engine or shake their legs, for example, a nervous reaction due to anxiety, bad habits and, of course, leg syndrome restless or RLS (Restless Legs Syndrome). This syndrome is a neurological disorder that forces people to involuntarily move their legs (usually the legs, but can also affect other parts of the body, such as the hands, for example).
 This uncontrollable need to move the legs can come as a result of anxiety, pain or being under pressure and difficult and unpleasant situations. Notice, for example, that many students move their legs when they are studying something difficult. RLS or leg syndrome can also be taken into account when we have periods of leisure or silence, for example, for a long time reading or watching television, or in situations where there is little movement.

If you are one of those who move their legs at work or in class, this time you can think that there is no problem with it and that, on the contrary, this action allows you to relax. And you are right in part. But think that it could be a bit annoying for some people around you. Unfortunately, there is no cure so far for RLS, but by relaxing the muscles and reducing stress, you can win a little battle in this situation.

Gonzalo Garcia Crespo

