5 Companies that Promote Mindfulness by Daniel Dantas

5 Companies that Promote Mindfulness

    In order to promote the well-being of their employees, some companies, particularly big companies are introducing mindfulness meditation techniques in their work routines. In addition to our non-stop modern lifestyles, work can be a stressful place, and stress can decrease productivity, because a happy employee work harder, we have some examples of companies that are already introducing mindfulness in their workplaces:

1 – Apple
    Meditation had an important role in Steve Jobs life, even some persons saying that it was one of the reasons for his enormous success. Therefore, it´s no surprise that along time, there have been implemented some mindfulness techniques in the worker's routines. In Apple´s headquarters, there’s a meditation room where employees can meditate or pray. Also, Jobs introduced meditation on the workplace by allowing their employees to take 30 minutes of their day to meditate, and provided classes of meditation and yoga, for free in their headquarters.

2 – Google
    Google is being one of the most innovative companies in the world, so it’s no surprise that they have also joined this new trend and brought mindfulness into their offices. Chade-Meng Tan, one of Google’s software engineers, developed a program that is called “Search Inside Yourself”, which is still being practiced in Google and it educates the employees in how to breathe mindfully, listen to their co-workers and improves their emotional intelligence and interpersonal communication skills. Google also offers meditation rooms and yoga classes.

3 – Nike
    Nike isn´t only equipping the best athletes and everyday sports champions, but they also provide to their employees the tools to be mindful.  Employees have access to relaxation rooms where they can meditate, pray or even take a nap, yoga and meditation classes are too offered, without workers even need to leave their offices. Furthermore, it is also noteworthy the recent collaboration of Nike and the meditation app “headspace”, which as the goal of bringing together meditation and sports, with audio guided mindful, the first of the kind.

4 – HBO
    You may know this one because of their award-winning tv show “Game of Thrones”, filled with blood, plot-twists and iconic scenes and characters. But you should also note that, although HBO produces television content, they don’t promote a sedentary lifestyle, so in their headquarters, workers have access to a gym and yoga and meditation classes, leaving them more relaxed to work on our next television addiction. 

5 – Mckinsey and Company
    One of the world leading companies in consulting and management is also embracing meditation. The financial sector is one of the most competitive and stressful environments to work in, which is why this company has introduced mindfulness and meditation techniques in their employee’s agenda. This company believes that improving workers quality of life is good for the company’s bottom line, so they provide to their employee’s meditation classes and a space to meditate and pray in their offices. Mckinsey and Company also develop meditation programs for other companies, showing their belief and appreciation of this techniques. 


Cohn, J. (2017, June 12). 5 Big Companies that See the Big Benefits of Meditation | Fitspot Wellness Provider. Retrieved from https://www.fitspotwellness.com/blog/5-big-companies-that-see-the-big-benefits-of-meditation/

10 Big Companies That Promote Employee Meditation. (2017, April 06). Retrieved from https://www.sonorrari.com/single-post/2017/04/06/10-Big-Companies-That-Promote-Employee-Meditation

Why Google, Nike, and Apple Love Mindfulness Training, and How You Can Easily Love It Too. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.inc.com/marissa-levin/why-google-nike-and-apple-love-mindfulness-training-and-how-you-can-easily-love-.html

What the Nike-Headspace Partnership Means For You. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://news.nike.com/news/nike-headspace-partnership

Daniel Dantas
I’m 22 years old, I’m from Viana do Castelo, Portugal, and I’m studying Marketing in IPAM Porto. I love design, photography and cats. 
