Eye contact By Maria Vasquez

The importance of eye contact

Resultado de imagem para eye contact“Some are blue and some are green. Some are brown and others hazel. That’s right: the subject is eyes, but more importantly than the color of someone’s eyes is what their eyes are saying. Not only do our see for us, but they are also a mode of communication. A person can communicate with their eyes and never say a word. Our eyes show emotion or interest and if thought about too much, making eye contact can become awkward and uncomfortable.” (Schulz, 2012)
It is common information that facial expressions play a huge part in non-verbal communication, and the main part are the eyes, the eyelids, the eyebrows and the regions around the eyes.
  The eyes are commonly referred to has "the windows to the soul"(Smallman, 2013), when talking to someone close to us there is a possibility that that person may be able to tell what are your truly felling about what your saying troughout your facial and body language, because as you feel more comfortable in the presence of a person your eye contact abilities may improve, but your tells are the same so if that person gets used to it they will automatically tell. When talking to a stranger or someone not as close to us, most of the people tend to avoid eye contact, because of personality, nervous tension mostly. Sometimes that can give the speaker the impression that you are not paying attention to their speech, or are just not interested in the conversation’s subject.
The eyes are also an auxiliary for lies, even the best liars, if lying to someone they care will probably say something totally different than what they eyes are showing, to control them means a long hard work because most of the people “can’t hide their lying eyes” (John E. Reid & Associates, ).
